HomeFull Schedule

Below is the full schedule for the 2019 International Conference of the
IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society. To see daily schedules, please select the appropriate date.

June 11, 2019

June 11 Schedule



12:00 PM  -  1:00 PM

IEEE TEMS AdCom Meeting (Closed Session – Invitations Only)

1:00 PM  -  4:30 PM

High Tech and Venture Capital Part II

1:00 PM  -  4:30 PM

Instructor: Eliezer Manor, Founder and CEO, Shirat Enterprises, Israel


Part II – The first practical step of the hi-tech entrepreneur: The art of expressing an idea.


The 2nd part of the workshop will deal with the tasks of the first and most important phase of the hi-tech entrepreneur, related to the initiation of an idea, its selection and the way in which it has to be analyzed and presented, in order to convince partners and investors to join.


It will deal with creative imagination, giving birth to an idea for a new product or service, selecting an appropriate idea, preparing the development plan and crystallizing the business model, as well as techniques for presenting the novel idea with: ppt presentation, executive summary, SWOT analysis, and elevator pitch.



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Turning Engineering Projects into Successful Businesses Part II

1:00 PM  -  4:30 PM

Instructor: Dr. Aaron Shenhar, Professor of Project Management and Leadership, Rutgers University (Ret.) , CEO, Diamond Leadership Institut


Part II – Understanding the Science of Technology and Its Management


While technology increasingly impacts daily life, economic well-being, and society in general, its fundamental laws and underlying theory have been slowly evolving. Surprisingly, still unavailable, is a widely accepted (and simple) definition of what exactly is technology or technology management, and there is no widely accepted unified theory.


This workshop will present a new perspective on the theory of technology and its management, and discuss the question: can such a theory evolve into a new science of its own – Technology Science? Just as computer science has helped us understand the power of computers, this new science would further increase our ability to harness the full potential of any technology, accelerate its development and open up new areas of investigation of technology and specifically, technology management. After discussing technology’s common laws of structure, function, value, process, know-how, and evolution, I will present a wide-range of future study options and their implications for management.


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Welcome & Press Conference

8:00 AM  -  8:30 AM

High Tech and Venture Capital – Part I

8:30 AM  -  12:00 PM

Instructor: Eliezer Manor, Founder and CEO, Shirat Enterprises, Israel


Part I – The history of the Israeli Hi-Tech and VC industries, with practical lessons to be learned and applied.


During only a few decades of the 2nd half of the 20th century Israel made a dramatic transition from an agriculture and low-tech based economy to a technology driven economy, being recognized all over the world as the “Start-Up Nation”.


The workshop will include an animated video and interactive discussions with the audience on the lessons to be learned from the Israeli experience and the way these lessons can be adapted in different regions/countries and during our modern times, when the 4th Industrial Revolution is taking place around us.




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Turning Engineering Projects into Successful Businesses Part I

8:30 AM  -  12:00 PM

Instructor: Dr. Aaron Shenhar, Professor of Project Management and Leadership, Rutgers University (Ret.) , CEO, Diamond Leadership Institute


Part I – The Coming Renaissance in Project Management


In spite of their critical importance to economic growth and quality of life, most engineering projects are still not meeting their intended goals, with only one in three projects leading to business success and two failing to meet their time and cost goals. Extensive research and hundreds of new tools have not changed these statistics in the last 20 years. It is clear that the project management profession needs a renaissance.


In this workshop I will discuss what’s wrong and missing in this critical field. Based on 25 years of research and 20 years of practical lessons, I will show that the problem is NOT in the commonly-used and expensive tools. Rather, it is rooted in a deeper level of misguided perception of what projects are all about. I will present the expected transition from the current Delivery Model to the next Value/Job model and introduce its new elements of strategic thinking, adapting to DNA (of the project), and the spirit of leadership. I will also show how companies can make this transition in practice.


 » Read more about: Turning Engineering Projects into Successful Businesses Part I  »

June 12, 2019

June 12 Schedule


Coffee Break

10:00 AM  -  10:30 AM

Innovation Management 1

10:30 AM  -  12:00 PM

Engineering Management 1

10:30 AM  -  12:00 PM

Technology Management 1

10:30 AM  -  12:00 PM

Chair(s): Joseph Sarkis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, United States)

10:30 Emerging Technologies and Risk: How Do We Optimize Enterprise Risk When Deploying Emerging Technologies?

Charla Griffy-Brown, Howard Miller, Vincent Zhao, Demetrios Lazarikos and Mark Chun

10:50 SAMWISE: An Early Career Discovery Platform for STEM Fields

Rahul Razdan, Rodger Polanco, Zack Ackerman, Xavier Vidot and Damien Razdan

11:10 GANDALF: A Real-World Solution to the “Soft Skills” Problem For Engineering Careers

Rahul Razdan, Rodger Polanco, Zack Ackerman, Xavier Vidot and Damien Razdan

11:30 Patenting and technology transfer of UNAM´s research centers

Leonel Corona-Trevino


 » Read more about: Technology Management 1  »

Project Management 1

10:30 AM  -  12:00 PM

Chair(s): Jason K. Hui (Elbit Systems of America, United States)

10:30 Using emotional intelligence during conflict resolution in projects

Johan de Villiers, Annlizé Marnewick and Carl Marnewick

10:50 Complexity factors affecting research and development projects duration

Pheladi Molepo, Annlizé Marnewick and Nazeer Joseph

11:10 Data, Information, Knowledge, and Leadership in Complex Project Management

Thomas A McDermott, Jr

11:30 The influence of big data competencies, team structures, and data scientists on project success

Gloria J. Miller


 » Read more about: Project Management 1  »


12:00 PM  -  2:00 PM

Engineering Management 2

2:00 PM  -  4:00 PM


2:00 PM  -  4:00 PM

Chair(s): Richard David Evans (Brunel University London, United Kingdom)

2:00 New challenges in universities: Teaching Social Entrepreneurship

Suisin Priscila Lam-Lam, Eduardo Ahumada-Tello, Ismael Plascencia-López, Oscar O. Ovalle-Osuna, Reyna V. Barragán-Quintero, Richard David Evans and Karla Soria-Barreto

2:20 Makerspaces and Entrepreneurship: The Effect of Team Dynamics and Prototyping Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Performance

Xaver Neumeyer and Susana Santos

2:40 A Taxonomy of Knowledge Spillovers for High-Tech Startups Development

Marco Cuvero, Richard David Evans, Maria Granados and Alan Pilkington

3:00 Types of IP Pledges

Jonas F. Ehrnsperger and Frank Tietze

3:20 Super Lean Software Startup Engineering Management

Rahul Razdan and Satish Kambalimath

3:40 Openness in Intellectual Property Strategies of Synthetic Biology Start-ups

Aocheng Tang, Frank Tietze and Jenny Molloy


 » Read more about: Entrepreneurship  »

Technology Management 2

2:00 PM  -  4:00 PM

Chair(s): Yuan Zhou (Tsinghua University, P.R. China)

2:00 Collaboration in the city branding process – a bibliometric analysis of scientific literature

Karolina Ilczuk

2:20 Identifying Technology Evolution Pathways by Integrating Citation Network and Text Mining

Yuan Zhou, Jun-fei Du, Yu-fei Liu and Wen-jiang Zheng

2:40 Identifying Technology and Research Communication Case of Wireless Power

Abdalilah Owaishiz, Mike Smith, Mustafa Almuzel, Drew Beseau, Tugrul Daim and Haydar Yalcin

3:00 The market typologies of patent transactions: An analysis of the LCD industry

Hsin-Yu Shih, Hung-Chun Huang and Tsung-Han Ke

3:20 Exploring Technology and Engineering Management Research Landscape

Haydar Yalcin, Tugrul Daim, Marina Dabic and Edwin Garces

3:40 Empirical Evidence and Economic Implications of Blockchain as a General Purpose Technology

Evgeniia Filippova


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Innovation Management 2

2:00 PM  -  4:00 PM

Chair(s): Marina Dabic (Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham Business School, United Kingdom)

2:00 A toolkit of five essential clusters of heuristics for promoting innovativeness and wisdom in systems architecting the strategy and structure of organizations

Kurt Wurthmann

2:20 Personal values as predictors of managers’ innovativeness – From theory to practice

Marina Dabic, Vojko Potocan, Jurica Pavicic and Zlatko Nedelko

2:40 Business model innovation using modern DevOps

Devi Vinayak Siva Rama Krishna Koilada

3:00 A Value Assessment Engine for the International Space Station Program

Jeffrey M Alexander, Benjamin Anderson, Rainer Hilscher, Alison Sykes and Amy Witsil

3:20 Disruptive Technology Forecasting based on Gartner Hype Cycle

Xiaoli Chen and Tao Han

3:40 The role of absorptive knowledge capacity and sustainable capabilities in adopting green innovation

Mohamed Aboelmaged


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Conference Reception & YP Panel

5:00 PM  -  8:30 PM
foyer (Reception) & 119C (Panel)

5PM Reception

Cash Bar & Appetizers

7PM Panel: “Importance of IEEE’s role in Young Professionals career journey”


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Coffee Break

4:00 PM  -  4:30 PM

Editor’s Panel

4:30 PM  -  5:30 PM

Chair: Tugrul Daim (Portland State University, United States)


Panelists: Distinguished Editors

 » Read more about: Editor’s Panel  »

Technical Activities Information Session

4:30 PM  -  5:30 PM

Chair: Brendan Galbraith (Zayed University, UAE)

 » Read more about: Technical Activities Information Session  »

Welcome Coffee

8:00 AM  -  8:30 AM

Conference Opening: Leading Innovation in Times of Constant Change

8:30 AM  -  10:00 AM

Conference Opening

David Bishop, Founder and CEO, Agile Worx
Dr. Michael Condry, President, IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society


Keynote – Life and the Enterprise of the Future – Unlimited X Global Revolution from the 5th Machine Age – Part I

Stephen Ibaraki, Chairman, Managing General Partner, REDDS Capital


KeynoteIndicators of R&D Emergence — for Better Informed Technology & Engineering Management

Dr. Alan Porter, Director of R&D, Search Technology, Inc.


KeynoteLeading Innovation with Rapid Technology Changes

John Avery, Director, Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC)


 » Read more about: Conference Opening: Leading Innovation in Times of Constant Change  »

June 13, 2019

June 13 Schedule


AI and Blockchain Decentralized impact in the 4th Industrial Revolution

9:30 AM  -  11:00 AM

Moderator: Toufi Saliba, CEO, PrivacyShell
Anouk Kendall, President, Decentralized Energy Canada
Chris Hotchkiss, Vice President, Intel Corp.
Raju Goteti, Vice President, Co-Innovation Network, Tata Consultancy Services
Stephen Ibaraki, Chairman, Managing General Partner, REDDS Capital
Ken Huang, CEO of Cyber Security OT and Chief Scientist of NUC Chain


The greater the dependence on the machine, the greater security becomes crucial. Decentralization is a security model, it cannot be included after the fact, it has to be by design and therefore folks will not have the ability to “add” it later. Autonomous Decentralized Governance, can ensure the cost of attacking the system is higher than the benefits from the system. Current trend has been gearing folks to include AI into Blockchains, but instead, including Decentralization into AI by design, can ensure the dependency layer is more secure without having to depend on a third party. The goal is to effectively reduce the cost of security by over 99% over a centralized model and likely to be over 99% faster as well.


 » Read more about: AI and Blockchain Decentralized impact in the 4th Industrial Revolution  »

Coffee Break

11:00 AM  -  11:30 AM

Artificial Intelligence Impact in the 4th Industrial Revolution

11:30 AM  -  12:30 PM

Moderator: Neil Sahota, Chief Innovation Officer, University of California (Emerging Technologies Research & Policy Institute)
Tina Singh, CEO, Singh Law Corporation
Joe Herkert, Associate Professor Emeritus of Science, Technology and Society, North Carolina State University
Jason Borenstein, Director, Graduate Research Ethics Programs, Georgia Tech


 » Read more about: Artificial Intelligence Impact in the 4th Industrial Revolution  »


12:30 PM  -  2:00 PM

Innovation oriented entrepreneurship in all progressive developing economies during the 4th Industrial Revolution

2:00 PM  -  3:30 PM

Moderator: Eliezer Manor, Founder and CEO, Shirat Enterprises Israel
Paul Babin, Director, Technology, Innovation and Sustainability (retired) Thyssenkrupp North America
Lee Stogner, Vincula Group
Marc Perron, Editor in Chief & Co-Founder, IEEE Industrial Electronics Technology Transfer News
Susan K. (Kathy) Land, Program Manager, US Department of Defense
John Avery, Director, Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC)



The importance of innovative entrepreneurship is accentuated nowadays, being a direct result of the exponentially growing rate of the appearance of advanced and disruptive technologies.
We will be looking at –

  1. The exponential development of technologies and the impact on the industrial sector and national economies
  2. The role played by MNC’s and Large Companies, as well as the trends and their needs, in particular open innovation and intrapreneurship
  3. The role played by hi-tech entrepreneurs in establishing their Hi-Tech Start-Ups (SME’s), with their needs and the related trends of this sector
  4. Novel structures to fit the needs and the trends in innovation:
    1. OIVC – Open Innovation VC funds with built-in exit strategy
    2. OII – Open Innovation Incubation of seed and start-up hi-tech companies
  1. The 4th and the 5th industrial revolutions
    1. Big Data, Deep Learning and AI. The human being and the machine: AI vs. Natural Intelligence – IQ and EQ
    2. Direct man-machine interface and man-man interface for creative thinking and innovation
  1. Future structures of corporates and companies
    1. Business oriented operations
    2. The complementary social oriented operations and the link between the two


 » Read more about: Innovation oriented entrepreneurship in all progressive developing economies during the 4th Industrial Revolution  »

Coffee Break

3:30 PM  -  4:00 PM

Disruptive Healthcare, Wellbeing, Humanity and Sustainability in the 4th industrial Revolution

4:00 PM  -  5:30 PM

Moderator: Mary Ellen Randall, CEO, Ascot Technologies Inc.
Michael Condry, Chair of Advisory Board, ClinicAI
Dr. Pongrapee Buranasompob, Advisor, Mind AI
Suresh Shenoy, President, WHEELS Global Foundation
Mark Wehde, Section Head, Technology Development, Division of Engineering, Mayo Clinic
Joanne Wong, Executive Director, Cancer Computer

The 4th Industrial Revolution is quickly becoming of age. This is defined as Cyber Physical Systems that build on the Digital Revolution. Included are disruptive technologies like robotics, 5G communications, AI, IoT, 3D printing, blockchain, and quantum computing. This session will focus on how these new disruptive technologies can be applied to Humanitarian and Sustainability issues to improve the conditions of those in need.

 » Read more about: Disruptive Healthcare, Wellbeing, Humanity and Sustainability in the 4th industrial Revolution  »

Pre-Banquet Reception

5:30 PM  -  7:00 PM

Cash Bar & Light Appetizers

Purchase drink tickets (cash only) at Registration


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Conference Dinner And TEMS Awards Ceremony

7:00 PM  -  8:30 PM

Jim Jefferies, IEEE President 2018

TEMSCON Student Paper Awards

TEMSCON 2020 – Detroit, Michigan

Download TEMSCON 2020 CFP (PDF)


 » Read more about: Conference Dinner And TEMS Awards Ceremony  »

Welcome Coffee

8:00 AM  -  8:30 AM

Industry Forum – The 4th Industrial Revolution; Life and Enterprise of the Future

8:30 AM  -  9:30 AM

Industry Forum Opening

The 4th Industrial Revolution; Life and Enterprise of the Future

Andy Chen, President-elect, IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society


Keynote – Life and the Enterprise of the Future – Unlimited X Global Revolution from the 5th Machine Age  – Part II
Stephen Ibaraki, Chairman, Managing General Partner, REDDS Capital


Keynote – Innovation is the fuel for our world’s economy, and a driver for global human progress
Chris Hotchkiss, Vice President, Intel Corp.


Keynote – Powering the 21st Century
Anouk Kendall, President, Decentralised Energy Canada



 » Read more about: Industry Forum – The 4th Industrial Revolution; Life and Enterprise of the Future  »

June 14, 2019

June 14 Schedule


Coffee Break

10:00 AM  -  10:30 AM


10:30 AM  -  11:00 AM

David Bishop, Founder and CEO, Agile Worx


Keynote: Trends Impacting the Engineering Profession

Steve Welby, Executive Director, IEEE


Mr. Welby will discuss major global trends impacting academic and industrial engineering practitioners and discuss how these trends will impact the nature of scientific and technological work in the 21st century.


 » Read more about: TEMSCON Opening  »

Special Track – Pitching Competition

11:00 AM  -  12:30 PM

Technology Management 3

11:00 AM  -  12:30 PM

Project Management 2

11:00 AM  -  12:30 PM


12:30 PM  -  2:00 PM

Technology Management 4

2:00 PM  -  3:30 PM

Chair: Rabiz N Foda (IEEE-TEMS ISIE Publications Chair, Canada)

2:00 Artificial Intelligence for Bioinformatics: Applications in Protein Folding Prediction

Max Staples, Leong Chan, Dong Si, Kasey Johnson, Connor Whyte and Renzhi Cao

2:20 Consumer perceptions on smart wearable devices for medical and wellness purposes

Isabella Capalbo, Marek Penhaker, Lukas Peter and Antonino Proto

2:40 Fractal dynamics of time series fluctuations for estimating the efficiency of dolphin-assisted therapies on children with trisomy 21

Jesus Jaime Moreno Escobar, Jr, Oswaldo Morales Matamoros, Erika Yolanda Aguilar del Villar, Ricardo Tejeida Padilla† and Víctor Hugo Calderón Morfín

3:00 Responsible Research and Innovation in Engineering and Technology Management: Concept, Metrics and Assessment

Lukasz Nazarko and Borisas Melnikas


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Innovation Management 3

2:00 PM  -  3:30 PM

Social Issues

2:00 PM  -  3:30 PM

Technology Management 5

2:00 PM  -  3:30 PM

Chair: Tugrul Daim (Portland State University, United States)

2:00 Continuous Cybersecurity Management Through Blockchain Technology

Jonathan D White and Charles Daniels

2:20 Blockchains in Supply Chains: Potential Research Directions

Shailesh J Divey, Mert Hakan Hekimoglu and T. Ravichandran

2:40 Blockchain technology through the lens of disruptive innovation theory

Mohammadsaleh Saadatmand and Tugrul Daim

3:00 Survey of AI in Cybersecurity for Information Technology Management

Leong Chan, Ian Morgan, Hayden Simon, Fares Alshabanat, Devin Ober, James Gentry, David Min and Renzhi Cao



 » Read more about: Technology Management 5  »

Conference Close

3:30 PM  -  4:00 PM

Welcome Coffee

8:00 AM  -  8:30 AM

Joint Session with GTRI Friday Morning Seminar

8:30 AM  -  10:00 AM

TEMSCON and GTRI will present a joint program as part of GTRI’s biweekly Friday Morning Seminar. The featured speaker will be Mr. Steve Welby, the Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of IEEE and former US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering.


Keynote: Innovation for US National Defense

Steve Welby, Executive Director, IEEE


Mr. Welby will discuss the challenges facing the United States in embracing rapid technological innovation as a cornerstone of national security and will discuss trends in commercial technology that have implications for the future of security.


 » Read more about: Joint Session with GTRI Friday Morning Seminar  »