Engineering Management 2

June 12, 2019
2:00 PM  -  4:00 PM

Chair(s): Joe Amadi-Echendu (University of Pretoria, South Africa)

2:00 Integrating Advanced CAD Modeling Simulation, 3D Printing, and Manufacturing into Higher Education STEM courses

Eric Flynn

2:20 Conversion of a serial line assembly into a cellular structure

Patryk Zwierzyński

2:40 Asset replacement in the context of servitization

Joe Amadi-Echendu

3:00 BIM/MR-Lean Construction Project Delivery Management System

Sepehr Alizadehsalehi, Ahmad Hadavi and Joseph Chuenhuei Huang

3:20 An Uncertainty Tolerant Approach For Stochastic Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problems

Ripon K Chakrabortty and Michael J Ryan

3:40 An Optimised Supplier Selection Plan for Supply Chain Integrated Project Scheduling Problem

Humyun Fuad Rahman, Ripon K Chakrabortty and Michael J Ryan


Session Category :  Paper Presentation