Chair(s): Marina Dabic (Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham Business School, United Kingdom)

2:00 A toolkit of five essential clusters of heuristics for promoting innovativeness and wisdom in systems architecting the strategy and structure of organizations

Kurt Wurthmann

2:20 Personal values as predictors of managers’ innovativeness – From theory to practice

Marina Dabic, Vojko Potocan, Jurica Pavicic and Zlatko...

May 23, 2019

Chair(s): Richard David Evans (Brunel University London, United Kingdom)

2:00 New challenges in universities: Teaching Social Entrepreneurship

Suisin Priscila Lam-Lam, Eduardo Ahumada-Tello, Ismael Plascencia-López, Oscar O. Ovalle-Osuna, Reyna V. Barragán-Quintero, Richard David Evans and Karla Soria-Barreto

2:20 Makerspaces and Entrepreneurship: The Effect of Team Dynamics and Prototyping Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Performance

Xaver Neumeyer and Susana Santos
