Technology Management 4

June 14, 2019
2:00 PM  -  3:30 PM

Chair: Rabiz N Foda (IEEE-TEMS ISIE Publications Chair, Canada)

2:00 Artificial Intelligence for Bioinformatics: Applications in Protein Folding Prediction

Max Staples, Leong Chan, Dong Si, Kasey Johnson, Connor Whyte and Renzhi Cao

2:20 Consumer perceptions on smart wearable devices for medical and wellness purposes

Isabella Capalbo, Marek Penhaker, Lukas Peter and Antonino Proto

2:40 Fractal dynamics of time series fluctuations for estimating the efficiency of dolphin-assisted therapies on children with trisomy 21

Jesus Jaime Moreno Escobar, Jr, Oswaldo Morales Matamoros, Erika Yolanda Aguilar del Villar, Ricardo Tejeida Padilla† and Víctor Hugo Calderón Morfín

3:00 Responsible Research and Innovation in Engineering and Technology Management: Concept, Metrics and Assessment

Lukasz Nazarko and Borisas Melnikas


Session Category :  Paper Presentation