Submit a Paper
Acceptance to present at TEMSCON 2019 will be based on a full-paper review (not an abstract review).
1. All papers should follow the IEEE manuscript template for conference proceedings, found at
2. Please use the US letter format, only.
3. The maximum font size allowed is 10. Papers no longer than 6 pages are highly encouraged. 7-page and 8-page papers are allowed, with a
charge of $100/page greater than 6.
4. Papers longer than 8 pages will be rejected without review. Manuscripts should not contain page numbers, headers or footers, in 2-column format.
5. For PDFs, use PDF/A format, fonts must be embedded, with no bookmarks, and no hyperlinks (URL in text OK).
6. You may want to emulate something similar to IEEE SysCon’s website: