June 7, 2017

TEMSCON 2017 Special Sessions Information


Special Sessions are an exceptional form of conference track organized by a group of individuals with similar topic interests and approved by conference and program chairs. The concept is a new topic not already addressed within the current call for papers tracks. To form a special session summarize a proposal that includes a paragraph summary of the session, list of organizers, and possible detailed topics. Send this proposal to the conference chair (condry@ieee.org) who will work with the conference committee to decide on approval. After approval suitable information about submitting papers for the session will be provided. Be sure your communication is clear and you are proposing a special session for this conference.

Approved Special Session

Submitted Special sessions approved for this TEMSCON are:

Collaborative Systems for Knowledge Intensive Environments

Session Chairs:

Richard Evans, University of Westminster, United Kingdom

Eduardo Ahumanda-Tello, Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico

Pivoting to a Circular Economy: the role of technology, policy, strategy and collaboration

Session Chairs:

Brendan Galbrath, Senior Lecturer, Ulster University

Leveraging Global R&D Location Data

Session Chairs:

Max von Zedtwitz, Professor of Innovation and International Business, KTU, Lithuania

Errors and Technology Management

Session Chairs:

Eitan Naveh, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

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